Monday, January 2, 2012

Honey-Spice Chicken

This is what we had for supper tonight. It's from the latest Simple & Delicious magazine. I liked this one, because of course I thought it sounded yummy, or else why would I have made it? But also it gives you a different recipe to use with the leftover chicken. So we're having that one tomorrow. But tonight we had this. My guinea pig Melissa was here because it's Monday. She actually changed her employer on her facebook profile to say "Guinea Pig for the Page Kitchen." Totally awesome, I loved it.

Honey-Spice Chicken
3 tsp garlic powder
3 tsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp paprika
3/4 tsp cayenne pepper (only use that much if you are crazy, and don't want your kids to eat it...I used a "dash")
8 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
6 tbsp honey
2 tsp cider vinegar

Combine first 6 ingredients and rub over chicken. Transfer to greased 15x10x1 inch baking pan. Bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes or until juices run clear. Combine honey and vinegar, baste over chicken during the last 10 minutes of baking. Save three chicken breasts for the chimichangas (yep, that's what we're having tomorrow and I can't wait!).

The honey totally scorched onto the pan. Luckily I used my Pampered Chef baking dish. If I had used a metal one I would still be scrubbing it right now. Or else I would have just thrown it away, which I have been known to do on occasion. So I think you should put foil down on the pan, then when the chicken is done you can just throw the foil away. If you are careful you won't even have to wash the pan, you'll just be able to put it away. We had this with sugar snap peas (which we just call "sugar snaps" so nobody knows they're eating peas) and...this is bad...fake potatoes in a box. I bought them at Marden's today, very cheap. Butter & Herb. They are just so tasty and light and fluffy and flavored. Usually I only make these to go on shepherd's pie, but they were so cheap. I bought it when I saw it. And everybody loved them.

Okay so how did everybody like the chicken? Emma cried that it was too spicy (which it really wasn't or I wouldn't have liked it), while her little brother happily ate it. Lily cleaned her plate even before the grown ups were done. Lincoln didn't like it. So you can see we got mixed reviews from the children, but all the adults liked it. I'll probably keep the recipe, especially if the chimichangas for tomorrow are as yummy as I hope they'll be.

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